Street Art Remixed – Carl Franklin

In Street Art Remixed, Fish Island photographer Carl Franklin takes an offbeat look at the local street art scene, focusing his camera on the soon-to-be-demolished wall by the Bottom Lock of the Hertford Union Canal – a favourite amongst street artists from London and

“I was documenting the wall for several months but realised that I wanted to photograph it in ways that appropriated and transformed it into new works of art, often unrecognisable from the original painted on the wall. The art’s location by the canal allowed unobstructed shots of how the artworks were being reflected and transformed by the canal and by breezes disturbing the water, and by using a very long lens, reflections and multiple exposures I was able to create colourful abstract images that used the walls as a starting point.”

In addition, as he stood by the canal he observed and photographed a colourful cast of characters pass by the artworks. “I love the picture of the girl in the colourful jumpsuit passing the just-finished piece by street art legend Zaki Dee. You just couldn’t make that up – the paint was still drying and she walked past in clothes that echoed the splashes of colour in Zaki’s name, and you can see she even echoes the shape of the A.”

All images are for sale and can be printed in various sizes and materials. Contact the artist or ask at the bar.

Instagram: @carlfranklinlcc